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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bombay Blood Group...

How many us of know that other than A, B, AB, O + and - one more blood group exists???

Today, I was just sitting in my room, trying to study MIS ( Management Information System) as my end trimester examination are starting from tomorrow onwards, And suddenly my hostel guard came into my room, he's a Tamil guy so what ever he speaks goes 5ft above my head. 

Then suddenly he showed me a slip, on the slip it was written "Bombay Blood Group"... I was just amazed to read this and a thought stroked my head... I thought he had to write B+ or B- blood group but has written wrong.

I said my blood group is O+ and send him to my other room partners, one of my room partner read it and told no we don't have this blood group. I told my room partner that it might be B+ or B- blood group and he might have written it wrong. 

Then he told me, no its correct Bombay blood group do exist but is rare one. I was amazed and did a Google for my query and found this...

Bombay blood group:-

Bombay blood group is a type of blood group which is present in people who are of O+ve blood group. O+ve and Bombay O+ve blood groups are different. Bombay O+ve people are very less in population. There is no A, B, H antigen in the blood of these people. The H antigen present in O+ve group people is not there in the Bombay O+ve ‘s. Instead of H antigen they have H antibody, this is what doctors are saying. People, who are having Bombay O + ve blood group, can donate only to Bombay O+ve people and can only accept from Bombay O+ve blood group people.

It is very difficult to detect Bombay O+ve group people, when blood group test is conducting. There is a serum grouping also called as reverse grouping (accurate test of a person’s ABO group i.e. O group). If this test is conducting then only we can detect the presence of H antibody, which indicate Bombay O+ve blood group. This test is conducted with the help of a reagent called H – Lectin. We can find these people mostly in Maharashtra and some places of Karnataka which is the boarder of Maharashtra.

Dr. Bhende discovered Bombay O+ve blood group in 1952 at Mumbai. This is the reason why this blood group got the name Bombay O+ve blood group.

Things to be taken care of:-

The thing is, people having this blood group are very less in population. It doesn’t mean that these people are having any disease or it’s the symptom of any disease. This thought is absolutely wrong. If you come to know your blood group is Bombay O+ve then you should report to the nearest blood bank. If someone needed Bombay O+ve blood then show a good heart by giving your blood, because Bombay O+ve people are rare. Don’t give your blood in blood donation program because it is not necessary that these Bombay O+ve blood will be used within 45 days. Relatives can have Bombay O+ve blood group, so find out who all have the Bombay O+ve blood group. It is good for each other to know their blood group especially who are having Bombay O+ve blood group.



SansInc said...

Fantastic Write up Appu...
Am proud of you.You really Enlightened me ...

Appuji1 said...

Wel-come Saurabh... Would try to keep up...

rahul said...

thank you for d info... i thought bhaskar was mad

Merlin said...

good one


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